
What We Do…

Our experience is recruiting and placement of engineers and management professionals with companies in the chemical process, food related, minerals, metals and related manufacturing industries.  Our expertise is our ability to identify individuals that will meet the demanding and specific client’s current hiring needs and be able to help them grow and prosper.

We recruit from a variety of sources and maintain a computerized database of active and “semi-active” candidates from which we begin our search efforts.  We also utilize the digital tools available and try to maximize our advertising exposure across many industry and professional sites to get more individuals looking at what may be available to them in the current employment market.

How We Do It…

We accomplish this by recruiting, sourcing and screening candidates for their technical and leadership knowledge and abilities, salary and geographical preferences and industry specializations. In order to “make the match” we want to know what you are looking for, why you need this individual, what kind of promotional opportunities your company will offer in the future, and of course the technical abilities and other ”soft skill” talents needed to grow within your organization.

The key to our success is in communicating with both companies and individuals in a completely truthful and professional manner. We try to match the available positions with candidates that fit the technical, leadership and personality requirements of the company. We do not paint “blue sky” pictures but give you the “real” information that will help you fill your technical and professional openings.

We have worked “both sides of the desk” as contingency recruiters and as internal corporate staff recruiters so are aware of how things need to be handled by all parties involved to get the jobs filled.

Network Affiliates…

ESP, Ltd. is a member of two large national recruiting networks. We have developed close working relationships with a number of firms in these networks that specialize in similar areas and in areas outside our own expertise. If you are an employer, and you have a position that you need to fill, we not only recruit for you, but we can also tap into the resources of our affiliates to identify the BEST available candidate to fill your opening. This allows you to have one outside recruiting contact to handle your needs.